Essential Oils for Pregnancy
/Learning to support your own and your babies' health with essential oils is one of the most empowering things you can do as an expectant mother. Reducing your toxic load and exposure to chemicals and pharmaceuticals is essential for you and your baby to thrive. It is fun and easy to learn how to create your own remedies while avoiding the nasty ingredients found in so many conventional products.
So, what do you need to know before you get started?
It is recommended a pregnant women be under the care of a physician and/or midwife and consult with them before taking or using any new products, to take into account their individual circumstances.
Clary Sage (also found in Clary Calm) can stimulate uterine contractions to this is one best to leave until you are due or overdue. Once your baby has arrived, Clary Calm is one of the best ways to balance your hormones, so use it daily (multiple times) in the first three months after birth.
The following information is taking directly from Aromatools.
Essential Oils to Avoid During Pregnancy
Dilution chart for pregnancy, birth and babies
Which Oils Can Support Me In Pregnancy
Our first recommendation would be the Home Essentials Kit. Since I first purchased our Home Essential Kit, my family has never taken an antibiotic. Don't get me wrong, conventional medicine is essential when required. It's just that we have been able to avoid taking medicines, while supporting our immune systems, improving our general health and managing symptoms of any minor ailments that have come up, from ant bites to coughs and colds. I truly believe this kit is a necessity for all families. In addition to this kit, the following oils are my top picks for pregnancy, birth and beyond.
Clary Calm (WHAT! Didn't I just say that is not recommended during pregnancy??). Absolutely not for pregnancy, but from day one of birth, this blend was my life saver. I applied it as a perfume behind my ears 2-3 times per day. In my sleep deprived haze that followed the birth of my second son, it was a blissful moment of 'me time' after my shower. I had postnatal anxiety after the birth of my first son and was very concerned I would get it again the second time around. I truly believe this little blend was the reason I sailed through my 'day 3 blues' without any stress. Almost three months to the day of using it non stop, I finally felt like I had no longer a need for it on a daily basis.
Fractionated Coconut Oil - This is perfect for diluting, making your own roller and spray blends, as well as using as a moisturiser on occasion with a drop of an oil such as Balance or Frankincense.
Helicrysum - This little oil saved my ass! (Well, kinda). I delivered both my boys naturally and each time while I didn't tear I had painful grazes. I made a sits bath from 8 drops lavender, 8 drops helicrysum and 5 drops roman chammomile, along wth a big ole spoon of pink rock salt, all mixed into warm water. These baths were extraodinary and I could actually feel the healing that was taking place each time. I did them 3-5 times per day at the start as used them as pain relief.
Myrrh - This is like nature's antibiotic in a bottle. My son's belly button stump was inflammed and red. A single drop, once only of this oil, cleared away all redness and infection immediately! Magic!
Geranium - Not only is this oil recommended by The Essential Midwife for helping support babies with Jaundice but I also mixed it with one drop of lemon and tea tree in fractionated coconut oil to massage on bub's head to remove cradle cap. Simply rub on and massage, wait an hour or two and comb out. Works brilliantly.
Which Oils Can Support Me In Pregnancy
Our first recommendation would be the Home Essentials Kit. This oils in this kit will carry your family through for many years.
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