
Our warmest welcome to all of those who took their first class with us last month, or came along for the first time to our Beginner Course, 6 Week Meditation Challenge or our Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond course for the first time:

Asha A, Rachel A, Jenny B, Ed B, Jenni B, Darrell B, Robert B, Caitlin B, Linda B, Chloe C, Kate dK, Nick dK, Rhianna dV, Kate DA, Kara D, Gabriella D, Lelinh D, Kurt E, Gemma F, Corinne F, Melissa F, Ema F, Jennifer F, Joanne G, Anna G, Chorong H, Cymantha H, Rowan H, Elizabeth J, Jo K, Lydia K, Kelly K, Nahye L, Jesse M, Peta M, Rachel M, Rose N, Elise N, Laura O, Sarah P, Isobel P, William P, Raphael Q, Max S, Uma S, Jessica S, Indi S, Anita T, Jenny V, Esther V, Hannah V, Barry W, Katie W, Jaimee W and Christina Y.

We sincerely hope you enjoyed your experience with us!